For All Your Capstone Thoughts and Drafts

Tag affordances of a camera

Isabella Colina Hidalgo’s First Consideration Post

A Camera Lens Although I’m not sure of which camera lens I will be using yet, I believe this is a technology that is really important within my photo essay project.  Camera Lens in a Photo Essay Project To shoot… Continue Reading →

Dana Pezzuti First Consideration Post

Technology & Materials One of the main types of technology for my project is a DSLR camera which I will be using to take my own photos in the studio as a big part of my magazine design. The model… Continue Reading →

Anna Dorneman First Consideration Post

My Technology I have chosen to discuss my Canon G7X Mark ii camera for my first consideration post. I am using this camera for a few reasons. One being I own this camera and understand a lot of its functions… Continue Reading →

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