For All Your Capstone Thoughts and Drafts

Tag camera

Paige Jansen First Consideration Post

Technologies and Materials   Nikon D610 Camera In order to truly capture fantastic photographs for my magazine editorial layout project, I first selected the camera that will best assist me. A technology that is central to my project is the… Continue Reading →

Juliet Gentilucci First Consideration Post

  The Canon EOS Rebel T5i camera is a complex machine that will allow me to film the interviews for my Capstone Project. However, like all technology, it has affordances and constraints.   Question 1 The Technology Overview The technology… Continue Reading →

Isabella Colina Hidalgo’s First Consideration Post

A Camera Lens Although I’m not sure of which camera lens I will be using yet, I believe this is a technology that is really important within my photo essay project.  Camera Lens in a Photo Essay Project To shoot… Continue Reading →

Anna Dorneman First Consideration Post

My Technology I have chosen to discuss my Canon G7X Mark ii camera for my first consideration post. I am using this camera for a few reasons. One being I own this camera and understand a lot of its functions… Continue Reading →

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