For All Your Capstone Thoughts and Drafts

Tag mental health

Dana Pezzuti Second Consideration Post

Intention The intention of my project is to bring awareness to mental health from a positive perspective, providing helpful tips and techniques, sharing personal experiences, and creating a safe space for the reader, allowing them to learn more about what… Continue Reading →

Dana Pezzuti Capstone Proposal

A Magazine for Positive Living My Overall Theme For my senior communications capstone, I decided on creating a project touching on the topic of mental health, but approaching it from a more positive aspect. Mental health has become a more… Continue Reading →

Caitlin Reistle – Third Consideration Post

Magazine: Excluding the visually impaired The main exclusion point of my project is the printed aspect. My magazine is entirely tangible and excludes the blind or vision-impaired community. When brainstorming my project, I wanted to create a place for my… Continue Reading →

Project Consideration Post #2 Caitlin Reistle

My project intends to ultimately uplift the voices of student-athletes struggling with mental health-related issues while raising awareness for an underrepresented issue in the media. The intersection of mental health in students, and mental health in athletes is a dangerous… Continue Reading →

Caitlin Reistle Project Consideration Post #1

TECHNOLOGY: Otter application Otter is a program that transcribes conversations live. While you speak, the program records what is being said as an audio file, and types out what is being said at the same time. More features of this program… Continue Reading →

The Impact of Bunnies on Mental Health

Project Proposal Topic Hi everyone! My name is Lily Steele. I’m a senior at Saint Joseph’s University studying communications and journalism. For my capstone project, I will be focusing on mental health and how pets, specifically bunnies, have played a… Continue Reading →

Lily’s Pitches

1. My first idea is to create a series of graphic designs using pets that have helped people through the pandemic. I would create 5-7 graphics for this project with each pet next to their owner. This engages my personal… Continue Reading →

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