For All Your Capstone Thoughts and Drafts

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Carsen Vespe’s 3rd Consideration Post

Exclusion Points, Design Solutions, and Mismatched Human Interactions   According to the Inclusive ToolKit Manual by Microsoft Design, “points of exclusion help us generate new ideas and inclusive design. They highlight opportunities to create solutions with utility and elegance for… Continue Reading →

Carsen Vespe’s Second Consideration Post

Intentions Using Simon Sinek’s Golden Circle, I discovered that the intention (the why) behind my project and account is to inspire others with motivation and inspiration to become stronger versions of themselves. I want my platform to boost the desire… Continue Reading →

Carsen Vespe’s First Consideration Post

First Post – Technologies and Materials In order to create a strong Fitness and Lifestyle TikTok account, I can use Canva’s tools and features to produce, edit, and build the necessary branding materials in order to produce a sense of… Continue Reading →

Carsen Vespe’s Formal Proposal

Topic For my capstone project, I want to create and build upon a project that encapsulates what I have learned during my time in Saint Joseph’s communications program. That mentioned, I have decided to create a fitness and lifestyle instagram… Continue Reading →

Carsen Vespe’s Capstone Ideas

Girlhood: A personalized magazine discussing how societal standards, popular culture, and social media affects womanhood. Honest. Experienced. Relatable. I view ‘Girlhood’ as a magazine written from my personal perspective of what it is like to be a woman today. My… Continue Reading →

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