For All Your Capstone Thoughts and Drafts

Author ew

Eva’s 3rd Consideration Post

Inclusive Design, Accessibility, and Access in Exhibition Curation Being inclusive starts with the creator of the project. After closely reviewing and looking at accessibility of ArtSteps, the software itself limits the accessibility of the project. Points of Exclusion in Exhibition ArtSteps/Exhibit… Continue Reading →

Eva Webb’s Second Consideration (Diversity and Inclusion)

Diversity and Inclusion within an Exhibition about Women Exhibition’s Intention, Goals, and Impact My project is meant to show representations of women from various cultures varying in occupations, backgrounds, and roles. The exhibition would highlight predetermined expectation and idealized forms… Continue Reading →

Eva Webb’s First Consideration (Materiality and Technology)

ArtSteps ArtSteps is a 3D virtual reality that helps user create exhibitions of 2D works. This program would make give the collections a work of space and help the view visualized how the pieces work together. Viewer would be able… Continue Reading →

Eva Webb Capstone Formal Proposal

Curating an Exhibition Topic: I love going to the museum and looking at new exhibitions. How can I share my love for the arts and showcase my skills I gathered from my time at Saint Joseph’s University? The best way… Continue Reading →

Eva Webb Senior Capstone Pitches

Pitch One:  Voice Driven Type booklet Plans I would pick and album or pick a theme and make a voice driven type booklet containing all of the songs. I would like for this booklet to contain at least 5 songs. This would include,… Continue Reading →

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