For All Your Capstone Thoughts and Drafts

Author jb

Third Consideration: Accesibility and Modern Zine Making

Accessibility is an important topic to discuss when it comes to dispersing information that is frequently brushed under the rug for flashier facets surrounding information distribution. Zines at their core lend themselves, (especially in this modern age) to accessibility and… Continue Reading →

Second Consideration: Looking to the Past but Utilizing the Future, Technology and My Zine

This week we’re talking technology and I think this is a really interesting thing to think about when making zines in 2022. I want to pay homage to the past, but also utilize skills and technologies that are modern, creating… Continue Reading →

First Consideration; Bringing Diversity and Inclusion Into the Conversation of Women in Horror

Intent The intent for this project is to spread awareness and shed a new light on the way women have been portrayed in horror films and how that reflects how we treat women as a society. I hope it will… Continue Reading →

A Little Gruesome: My Feminist Women in Horror Zine Series Proposal

Topic: Women in Horror Zine (Name TBA) For my project, I will be making a zine series focusing on women characters in horror films over the past 50 years and the implications that they raise about how women are seen… Continue Reading →

Jayne’s Art/ COM Pitches

Hey there! For my senior capstone, I’ve kind of been wrestling with a couple of different ideas. Quite honestly, after graduation, my goal is to work somewhere graphic design-oriented or to do freelance yada yada yada, long story short is… Continue Reading →

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