For All Your Capstone Thoughts and Drafts

Author mk

Max Kelly Third Consideration Post

Video interviews inherently have multiple points of exclusion in their design. Points of Exclusion The two primary aspects of my final deliverables for this project are audio and video. Both of these components inherently have points of excursion: video relies… Continue Reading →

Max Kelly Second Consideration Post

I plan to highlight graffiti culture in Philadelphia by creating a video series of oral-history interviews with active graffiti artists and experts on the history of graffiti. My intention is to inform viewers about Philly’s rich history with the art… Continue Reading →

Max Kelly First Consideration Post

Without a doubt, the video editing software Adobe Premiere Pro V24.1 will be one of the most important technologies I will be utilizing in creating my video series. I chose Adobe Premiere Pro because I have experience with the software… Continue Reading →

Max Kelly Capstone Proposal

Graffiti in Philadelphia I will be creating a video series highlighting Philadelphia’s history with the art of graffiti and multiple prolific and active graffiti artists. Over the next few months I will be creating a journalistic video series that explores… Continue Reading →

Max Kelly Capstone Pitches

After graduation I hope to enter the field of journalism, but am also interested in graphic design. I like documentaries and video journalism the best, and was initially inspired by VICE’s video coverage on more taboo or illegal topics. I… Continue Reading →

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