For All Your Capstone Thoughts and Drafts

Tag Adobe InDesign

Use of InDesign in Capstone Project

First Consideration Post  By. Christian McCarry    Response Overview The primary tool driving my magazine project will be Adobe InDesign version 8.5. This software is specifically tailored for crafting page layouts and establishing grids with columns and gutters, making it… Continue Reading →

Hannah Madeya First Consideration Post

Overview For my capstone project, I will be using Adobe InDesign version 18.0 to create my final deliverable – a magazine. I will be using this version of InDesign as it is the one I currently have downloaded onto my… Continue Reading →

Julianna Kissinger: First Consideration Post

One of the technologies that I will be using to create my booklet as a part of my Capstone project is Adobe’s InDesign. I currently have version 17.0.1, but that may change as Adobe is frequently updating their softwares. I… Continue Reading →

Adobe InDesign: Affordances and Sociability

My Technology One of the main technologies that are central to the creation of my project is Adobe InDesign version 17.1. This is what I will be using in order to put together my document showing the Marketing research and strategy through… Continue Reading →

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