For All Your Capstone Thoughts and Drafts

Month February 2024

Colby Evans Consideration Post #2

Intention of my project: For this fashion magazine I am creating, featuring fashion designers in the Philadelphia region, my project aims to achieve a variety of goals, including artistic, educational, and community-focused objectives. First, I want to offer a platform… Continue Reading →

Colby Evans Consideration Post #1

Technologies/Platforms Included In My Project: Graphic Design Software (Adobe InDesign and Adobe Photoshop): Adobe InDesign and Adobe Photoshop are two vital editing platforms that I am using in creating my magazine. First, Photoshop offers strong image editing capabilities that guarantee… Continue Reading →

Isabella Colina Hidalgo’s Third Consideration Post

Points of Exclusion  When designing my project as a whole, especially as a physical photo book I think the main point of exclusion would be for people who might be visually impaired. This is because a lot of the project… Continue Reading →

Jonathan Fritz Third Consideration Post

Inclusive design is integral to being a designer. We need to be able to reach as many people as possible. Today, with different software and technology, we have different ways of including those who have any sort of impairment, so… Continue Reading →

Marissa Marchese Consideration Post #3

Points of Exclusion All aspects of media feature elements of exclusion, whether it be intentional or not. For the deliverables of my project, I will focus on mitigating points of exclusion, by identifying and adapting mismatched interactions. Points of Exclusion:… Continue Reading →

Keira Flaherty Third Consideration Post

Points of Exclusion My main deliverable for my project is my podcast. Podcasts in some cases are audio only which excludes a whole group of people: deaf people. Deaf people obviously are at a disadvantage when there is no video… Continue Reading →

Juliet Gentilucci Third Consideration Post

Through inclusive design practices, I plan on making my project accessible to all different users.  Points of Exclusion for Primary Deliverables: Film:  One point of exclusion could be the sound for people who are deaf or hard of hearing. Without… Continue Reading →

Max Kelly Third Consideration Post

Video interviews inherently have multiple points of exclusion in their design. Points of Exclusion The two primary aspects of my final deliverables for this project are audio and video. Both of these components inherently have points of excursion: video relies… Continue Reading →

Eva’s 3rd Consideration Post

Inclusive Design, Accessibility, and Access in Exhibition Curation Being inclusive starts with the creator of the project. After closely reviewing and looking at accessibility of ArtSteps, the software itself limits the accessibility of the project. Points of Exclusion in Exhibition ArtSteps/Exhibit… Continue Reading →

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