For All Your Capstone Thoughts and Drafts

Author jg

Life With Other’s Case Study

Project Overview Life With Others is a narrative approach at the human connectivity that is found within storytelling and self reflection. Through this self published short book stories of others are told that recount times of trouble, times of sorrow,… Continue Reading →

Third Consideration: Designing Life With Others Mindfully

Reflection Through creating and designing my project it is crucial to keep all types of users in mind. The Microsoft Inclusive Design ToolKit makes an important note that when we design with only ourselves in mind we create something for… Continue Reading →

The Affordance of a WordPress Site

Technology being Discussed I have chosen to discuss the use of WordPress as a website and place to hold my blog, Life With Others. I am using WordPress to share my voice and the voice of others with a larger… Continue Reading →

First Consideration: LifeeWithOthers

Project Intent Through my project, LifeeWithOthers, I intend to help others feel less alone through the power of storytelling. I hope to achieve this by the interviews I will be conducting and the design I will be implementing. I want… Continue Reading →

The Continuum and Revamping of Life With Others

Purpose and Inspiration For as long as I could remember I longed for community and connectivity. When my dad passed away when I was 12 years old I wished for someone other than my direct family that understood my pain… Continue Reading →

Jenn Gillern’s Project Pitches

Hi everyone! For my senior capstone I am really interested in pursing a project that is rooted in writing and interviews. I am passionate about connecting with others and sharing others narratives including my own so that is what I… Continue Reading →

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