Hi everyone! For my senior capstone I am really interested in pursing a project that is rooted in writing and interviews. I am passionate about connecting with others and sharing others narratives including my own so that is what I wish to accomplish throughout my work this semester. As you will see my pitches are centered around writing as the main scope. I am still juggling with what I wish to do post grad but I have really been entertaining the thought of going into a writing program. I am excited to share my pitches with all of you!

  • Pitch 1: LifeeWithOthers Continuum
    • This project would be a deep dive into my past project for my visual design class my junior year. In that class I switched my instagram account from @LifeeWithJenn to @LifeeWithOthers. I had the same goal in mind, to connect with others with common as well as differing experiences but I had changed my approach to surpass the individual being myself to include others. I took the spotlight off of myself and shined it on the community I wished to build. This project would encompass the entire semester as I would embark on weekly interviews where I meet with individuals and ask them to share their experiences, what is life as their individual self like? I will then conduct a write up in which I share their narrative with a community at large. This will be engaging as other people will get a chance to feel seen if they have similar experiences with that of the individual that shared their story. This project would allow me to showcase my writing skills as well as my ability to tell a story to a larger audience. For this project I would need to revamp my instagram account back to a platform where I can share others experiences and not just my own. The project would differ in scope as I would be sharing the stories of people I don’t necessarily have relational ties to. At the end of the semester once I have completed various stories and shared them with a larger audience I will then go ahead and create an ebook on Canva that highlights each individual that had shared their story throughout the semester. For my presentation I will present my findings and explain the importance of human connectivity and being a part of a larger community.
    • Project inspiration: http://strangersproject.com
    • Past Project:








  • Pitch 2: Mental Health in Various Schools (College of Arts and Sciences versus Haub School of Business)
    • For this project I would research the effects of mental health on college performance. If mental health is regarded by academia peers will the student perform better? If mental health is disregarded will the student struggle? I would look at two focus groups, the one focus group being students in the Haub School of Business and the second focus group being students in the arts and sciences. This project would be interview based and at the end of the project I would share my findings throughout an in depth paper as well as a presentation highlighting my findings. This project came to me through inspiration from my own experiences. I used to be in the Haub School of Business and realized that regards for mental health really lacked, my professors seemed to not care how we mentally were doing and often went disregarded. When I made the switch to arts and sciences I became aware that mental health was highly valued in all of my classrooms and we were given safe spaces and resources to discuss such dialects. With my findings I would create a presentation on the detrimental effects disregard for mental wellbeing can have on a student in an academic setting versus the benefits high regard for mental well being can have on a student.
    • Project inspiration: https://starttalkingsju.com
    • Past Project: https://docs.google.com/document/d/136ljnsOMIVGN409pQslLiEPJXHB98pMw/edit


  • Pitch 3: Journal eBook
    • In my web design class I included my journal entries paired with photography for my portfolio. I would like to try a different platform by incorporating my journals into an ebook using Canva. As mentioned earlier in one of my other pitches I created an ebook before for my visual design class so I am comfortable and efficient with the software needed. This project would challenge me to write everyday, something I don’t currently do. I am still playing around with a potential title for this project but right now I am leaning towards “A 93 Day Journey ” Basically I would title my piece the number of days I am writing for. This project would push me out of my comfort zone by allowing me to write every single day. Overtime I want to see my progress with where I am currently at and where I used to be, seeing my changes over time and my writing styles grow and develop. This would help me with personal writing and creative writing as well and allow me to be deeply vulnerable. By creating the Ebook once my numbered day journey is complete I would be able to have a digital place where my writings are stored and a permanent place to look back on my journey.
    • Project inspiration:
    • Past project
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