For All Your Capstone Thoughts and Drafts

Author jss

Julia Stokes Consideration Post #3

  “People ignore design that ignores people” – Frank Chimero Accessible design is finally getting the attention it deserves. More and more companies and designers have been implementing inclusive design practices into the core of their work, allowing for a… Continue Reading →

Julia Stokes Consideration Post #2

My Intentions Through this project, I intend to create an extensive body of graphic design and creative work to show to potential employers in the future. I want to potentially enter the beauty industry during my marketing career so having… Continue Reading →

Julia Stokes Consideration Post #1

Technology Choice: Adobe Illustrator Version 27.2 On Macbook Air    3 features to master Drawing Lines and curves I already have a good amount of experience working with this feature from visual design however I do not have experience with… Continue Reading →

Julia Stokes Updated Formal Proposal

Topic: Brand Renewal of Glossier Cosmetics: Creation of Sub Brand “Glossier Ètoile” Featuring A Brand Kit, Mock Instagram Account, and Development of 3 potential products for the brand Additionally, a 10 Minute video essay will be included discussing the history… Continue Reading →

Julia Stokes Formal Proposal

Topic: The topic that I will be focusing on for my capstone project is school inequality. I am a political science minor who has been studying school inequality during the entirety of the minor and I would like to explore… Continue Reading →

Julia Stokes Senior Capstone Pitches

Pitch #1: Photo Essay comparing the infrastructure and facilities of Overbrook High School and Lower Merion High School As a political science minor, I have written a few essays about the issue of school inequality, and why it is so… Continue Reading →

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