
Brand Renewal of Glossier Cosmetics: Creation of Sub Brand “Glossier Ètoile”

Featuring A Brand Kit, Mock Instagram Account, and Development of
3 potential products for the brand

Additionally, a 10 Minute video essay will be included discussing the history of Glossier and an argument for the development of this brand

Link to brand website:

Form/Audience and Impact:

Glossier is a brand I have loved for many years, but feel it is lacking a redesign for its current consumer base. The concept of the brand is that it’s supposed to be a minimalist makeup company, with few products and simple designs. I am arguing that they could benefit from a new concept, one where they prioritize fun and new products. Glossier Ètoile will be the sister company to the brand and will feature these different products that appeal to a new audience. I will conceptualize an entirely new brand for them, developing an entire brand kit, Instagram account, and develop and market 3 individual products that would be included in the product launch. Following this, my 10 minute video essay will give the viewer a chance to hear directly from me as the creator of the brand about the history of Glossier and why I created this project. I think this will help conceptualize the importance of my project and give me a chance to show how knowledgeable I am about the history and brand creation of Glossier. This will be a graphic design and marketing project that will improve the current brand of Glossier by introducing a new design for them. The audience for this sister company would be focusing on a Gen Z audience for the brand, since the original brand was designed around millennial culture in 2015. Developing the products for this brand would revolve around Gen Z marketing tactics as they would be the primary audience for the brand.

Prior Experience and Educational Experience:

In my communications classes I have spent a lot of time working with graphic design using Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop, and Adobe Lightroom for photo editing. For this project I would be using all of these resources as well as a premium Canva account to develop the brand kit. In digital field methods and digital filmmaking, I used a SONY HXR-NX100 to record multiple different projects and videos. Here is one of these videos linked: Stokes Interview for Mini Projects. This uses the SONY camera and audio recording devices. When I record my research aspect of my project I will be using this camera and audio device to record myself speaking for 5-10 minutes about the history of Glossier and my argument for the development of this brand.


This project will require a significant amount of research to complete as it will require me to dive deep into the worlds of graphic design, brand proposal, and product creation. I will need to understand the brand dynamics of Glossier as well as take a detailed oriented approach to how I want to create this sub brand and product launch. For the 10 minute video component of the presentation, I will be required to heavily research the company history using multiple resources and I will need to write and develop a script that will be used to record the video. During the editing process of the video, I will also need to research specific clips and links I can embed into the video to make it entertaining for the viewer and quick moving.


Feb. 5th-11th

Begin research process about Glossier and take notes using a google doc I will begin to formulate

Start brainstorming font options and logo designs doing some research

Make sure I have all the necessary equipment to do this project downloaded on my laptop

Feb. 12th-18th

Come up with set logo and font for the brand

Develop brand colors

Figure out which website/platform I will use to navigate this project and post my work to

Feb. 19th-25th

Begin layout of the instagram account and develop a brand narrative through this account using the color scheme I came up with

Start figuring out what photos I want to use for the account

Come up with products and product names that I want to use
Document the process

Feb. 26th- Mar. 4th

Continue working on designs for the brand including the website

Continue research

Start doing designs for the products

Mar. 5th- March 11th

Finalize the designs I want to use for the 3 products

Work on graphics for the 3 products

Keep designing the instagram account

Mar. 12th- Mar. 18th

Begin focusing on the 10 minute video by working on the script for it and continuing research for it

Finalize the instagram mockup

Continue working on the designs for the 3 products

Mar. 19th – Mar. 25th

Keep working on the 10 minute video, figure out when you will rent out the camera

Finalize script for the video

Keep editing and perfecting design personas for the brand as you add taglines for the products

Mar. 26th- April 1st

Film 10 minute video

April 2nd- April 8th

Start editing the 10 minute video
April 9th- April 15th

Continue editing the video and adding in clips to it

Work on all aspects of the brand creation, make sure you like how everything is looking

April 16th- April 22nd

Continue editing the video and make sure you like how it looks

Finalize the instagram account

Finalize the 3 products

April 23rd- April 29th

Do last minute touch ups

April 30th – May 6th

Presentations this week! Make sure everything is exactly how you want

Practice presentation

Finalize everything 🙂

Pat yourself on the back.