What is My Technology? 


The technology I am using for my project is a Canon EOS Rebel T100 Camera. This important technology is the centerpiece and without it, I wouldn’t be able to complete my project. After three different photography classes here at SJU, I have always used a Canon so I became very comfortable taking pictures with this certain technology. I know there are other great camera brands but I’ve learned how to operate the Canon EOS Rebel T1000 in many different ways. 


Social Aspects of the Canon EOS Rebel T100? 


A main aspect of the Canon EOS Rebel T100 is the social aspects it generates. First, it gives me the ability to travel anywhere I want to take pictures because it is wireless. Having the wireless feature, I am able to meet new individuals when using my camera. Another aspect it provides is all the different settings. The Cannon has a mode dial that you can easily twist, which gives you access to a variety of different modes. Lastly, by being able to capture great pictures with my camera, I will be able to share them on my website and Instagram page. By sharing these photos on the internet, I will be able to showcase my photography to a greater audience and a wider variety of locations. 


The Affordances and Obstacles of my Technology:


Me having the opportunity to use the Canon EOS Rebel T100 Camera will allow me to produce very high-quality images that many individuals don’t have access to. This camera compared to a phone camera is noticeably different in the photography world. Over the years, I have noticed the differences between the two. Another affordance I have available is the easy access to sharing my images. The Canon EOS Rebel T100 makes it possible to upload photos right into lightroom or photoshop. This capability saves a ton of time when you are editing or uploading your photos to social media sources. Lastly, I am able to generate different types of images since it has many different settings. 


One obstacle I will be faced with is the battery life of the Canon EOS Rebel T100. With it being portable and not plugged into the wall, I will have to make sure I have enough battery life while taking pictures. Another obstacle I will have to overcome is lighting. In the photography world lighting is everything, so I will need to make sure I have the perfect amount of light to capture great photos. The last obstacle I will face is the storage space that I will have on the camera. Using a camera requires an SD card to store the photos that you have taken. Some SD cards have more space than others so it is important to check the storage level before leaving home so you don’t find out that there’s only enough space for one more photo. This means it is very important to have a hard drive so that you can export the photos from your SD card to free up enough space.