
The topic of my project is going to be centered around Philadelphia sports. The context will be primary and news that comes up during the period of this project. Now the Flyers and Sixers are approaching the trade deadline and making a playoff push. While you have teams like the Phillies and Eagles who are in the the offseason and Free agency along with coaching moves are being made. The purpose of this blog site is to give an audience a taste of my opinions on this city’s sports teams. As someone who watches sports talk shows every single day it has always been something that interests me.  To be able to share my thoughts about Philadelphia sports for a job has been a long-time dream of mine. I feel that it will be extremely valuable to have a portfolio of sports blogs along with podcasts to show future employers. 


As I said before I plan to have blogs uploaded weekly on a website. The website will contain about 1-2 posts each week depending on the type of news that comes out that week. But I believe that there are plenty of blogs that can be written by all the Philly sports teams as each team is at different parts of their season so there is always news that is coming out daily.  

Example 1:

Mine will be similar to the ESPN page in the way I like how they have their page laid out. I plan on breaking it into four categories one for each team Fylers, Phillies, 76ers, and Eagles. Each blog that I write will go under the appropriate team and will keep it nice and organized. Now something that I plan on doing differently is I’m not a fan of how there’s not much picture. I want each one of my blogs to contain a picture with it so that it brings more than just overall color to the page itself. 

Example 2:

Now this is a little bit different than my first example because the page is filled with pictures that you can click on that bring you to the blog. I want to kind of replicate that just because as I said before it makes the webpage more interesting for my audience. Something else that I liked about the site is the ticker on top with all the scores. Seeing that makes me want to include some type of ticker on my page to see the upcoming games for the Philadelphia sports teams. The only negative part about this example that I found is a feel like there is an abundance of words that you see on this page. 

Technology and Materials

My project will only require a WordPress account so that I can build my webpage. It will also require a computer to type the blogs which I do indeed have. 

Audience and Impact

The primary audience for this project would be the four for four Philly sports fans. The secondary audience would most likely be the casual sports fan. I believe that there would be interest because it’s giving these die-hard fans a blog from someone just like them. These fans can’t get enough of their favorite teams and will always be willing to read articles about their favorite teams. These blogs will provide them with not only knowledge but also entertainment. We all know that Philly sports fans always have the stuff to stay regarding their teams success and some of that stuff is very humorous and brings entertainment to others. 

Prior Experience

Some prior experience that I have with sports writing would be that I did write several articles for my high school paper. Throughout college however, I do have a writing that was put into the Hawk as well. Although it didn’t revolve around sports it still has to do with writing. But I’ve taken journalism classes and am currently in an editing class as well.

My current project will be similar in that it’s centered around sports. But I believe that will be different cause I’m a lot older now and have much more experience in writing now than I did in high school. It will challenge me in new ways such as that I’m going to be writing a lot more articles in a much shorter period. 

Educational Experience

This project will show what I’ve learned from my Com classes along with my journalism classes in many ways. For starters last semester I took a journalism course and I’m currently in an editing course right now to make sure my writings are grammar-free. When it comes to past com courses I feel that the web design course will be extremely useful here since we used word press and that’s why I’m going to use it for the site where I upload my blog posts. 


I’m going to need to research what sports blogs look like in general and see if there are common themes that I need to replicate. As I said before I’ve written sports articles but it’s been a few years so I may be a little rusty. Figuring out how many words they usually consist of would also fall under the research that I need to do. Also want to research what an appropriate amount of sports blogs that should be uploaded a week from some of these more professional sites. 

Obstacles and Resources

My biggest obstacle here would be that I’m keeping my blogs nice and fresh with information. I don’t want them to get repetitive and all identically alike one another. I also feel that selecting what I write about could be an obstacle. As I stated before there gonna be a lot of stuff that I can write about but I need to make sure that I choose the right news to write about. 


By Next Week: I want to have an idea of what my webpage setup will look like. I want to have a vision of what this page will look like in a few months so I possibly want to create a mock website.  Also want to commit to a day of the week on when I will be dropping these blogs along with maybe committing Monday to be my planning day on what I should write about that week.