For All Your Capstone Thoughts and Drafts

Tag accessible design

Eva’s 3rd Consideration Post

Inclusive Design, Accessibility, and Access in Exhibition Curation Being inclusive starts with the creator of the project. After closely reviewing and looking at accessibility of ArtSteps, the software itself limits the accessibility of the project. Points of Exclusion in Exhibition ArtSteps/Exhibit… Continue Reading →

Consideration Post 3- Ava Wilson

Consideration Post 3: Mismatched Human Interactions   Identify 1 or more Points of Exclusion inherent in 2 of your primary deliverables (film/video, exhibit site, social media posts, print items, web site, ads, etc.). Describe those Exclusion Points and how they… Continue Reading →

Jonathan Fritz Second Consideration Post

                   Impact and Intention of the Project My Intention for this project is to create video content promoting performing arts groups on Saint Joseph’s University campus. It will highlight the work done… Continue Reading →

Max Kelly Second Consideration Post

I plan to highlight graffiti culture in Philadelphia by creating a video series of oral-history interviews with active graffiti artists and experts on the history of graffiti. My intention is to inform viewers about Philly’s rich history with the art… Continue Reading →

Hannah Madeya First Consideration Post

Overview For my capstone project, I will be using Adobe InDesign version 18.0 to create my final deliverable – a magazine. I will be using this version of InDesign as it is the one I currently have downloaded onto my… Continue Reading →

Accessibility in Design: Consideration Post #3 Dorneman

“Accessible design is good design”- Steve Ballmer Accessibility in design is very important and thankfully has been getting more attention lately. There are still many changes that need to be made, but recognizing that issues in accessible design are common… Continue Reading →

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