For All Your Capstone Thoughts and Drafts

Tag best case scenario

Juliet Gentilucci Second Consideration Post

Intentions of the Project The intention of my project is to create media to be posted to the Faith Justice Institute website. Currently, the only video media posted on the website are the Klein Lectures. My intention in conducting the… Continue Reading →

Carsen Vespe’s Second Consideration Post

Intentions Using Simon Sinek’s Golden Circle, I discovered that the intention (the why) behind my project and account is to inspire others with motivation and inspiration to become stronger versions of themselves. I want my platform to boost the desire… Continue Reading →

Hannah Madeya Second Consideration Post

Intention & Impact The intention behind my project will be to showcase the importance behind immersion programs and their significance in the SJU community. Specifically, I will highlight why the process of immersing yourself in another community can lead to… Continue Reading →

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