For All Your Capstone Thoughts and Drafts

Tag writing

Joe Schreibman – Third Consideration Post

Audio To go along with my memoir essays, I will have audio to supplement.  In my audio, I will interview different people for each subject that I plan to talk about.  Inclusive design fits right in with my audio because… Continue Reading →

Joe Schreibman Consideration Post 1

TECHNOLOGY One of the technologies that will be central to my project is Adobe InDesign.  I have used this for years in some of my other communication courses, and I am very familiar with it.  I am using this as… Continue Reading →

Tiffany Marciano: Technology and Materiality

My Technology One of the technologies I will be relying on for my project is my Apple Pencil, which will be used with my iPad. It is the first generation Apple Pencil, which is the only one compatible with the… Continue Reading →

Joe Schreibman-Senior Capstone Pitches

Pitch #1: The Values of College beyond academics My first pitch is to discuss the values of college beyond just academics.  I plan to interview people at St. Joe’s, other universities, and college graduates.  I will turn this into a… Continue Reading →

The Impact of Bunnies on Mental Health

Project Proposal Topic Hi everyone! My name is Lily Steele. I’m a senior at Saint Joseph’s University studying communications and journalism. For my capstone project, I will be focusing on mental health and how pets, specifically bunnies, have played a… Continue Reading →

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