Consideration Post #3

Considering Inclusive Design & Accessibility

1. What is a primary point of exclusion in your project?

One of the primary deliverables of my project will be a visual and audio heavy video. Unfortunately, videos aren’t the most inclusive media that are out there. This is because like I mentioned, videos are completely visual and audio based. This is difficult for those who are visually impaired and/or hearing impaired to enjoy such a medium.

2. How are these considered exclusion points?

My video that I intend to make is highly informative, and will rely solely on the imagery in unison with what individuals have to say about the COM department. Therefore, anyone who lacks the senses to consume this video will be missing out on information. If you can hear the video, but not see it, it can leave a person lacking the understanding of how the ideas that are talked about in the video are applied in the classroom. If you can see the video, but not hear it you may know the types of tools that we use to learn here, but not understand why it’s important.

3. What are the best practices to create solutions?

In terms of audio solutions I will create closed captions to the video. I want to ensure that they are precise and as accurate as possible. When I say I want it to be precise, I mean that I will label who is speaking, denote tones of voices, as well as any kind of notable action.

I will go about creating a voiceover that describes the video in an audio format if my uploading platform allows. This may be difficult on my end due to making sure I can fit in descriptions while not speaking over the original audio of the video.

The resource I will be using is YouTube.


Point of Distribution

Since I will have a physical booklet as part of my project I will get the word out about it, by handing it out at Admitted Students Days, open-houses, have them out for grabs in the COM Department Buildings (The Annex & Bronstein), along with the COM Classrooms in Merion Hall. I think it may also be beneficial for the Communication’s Department to supply these handouts to local highschool’s counseling offices to give to students as well.

The video will be access via QR code on the booklet handout. Although I feel like this may not provide enough awareness for the video portion. To raise more awareness I feel it is important to show this video as well at admitted students days, open houses, etc. We should also be posting it on our social media for COM. The Instagram can have it as a pinned reel, it can also be posted on LinkedIn and Facebook.