For All Your Capstone Thoughts and Drafts

Month May 2022

Inclusion and Accessibility

Inclusion and Accessibility: Inclusion and accessibility is very important for my project and will be one of my main points of focus. Inclusion is important because I need to gauge as many parties involved as possible without it my project… Continue Reading →

DSLR Camera

My Technology: For my project the DSLR camera that I am going to use is going to be essential in order for me to complete my project. I am very familiar with using this technology as I have had to… Continue Reading →

Cleaning up Philadelphia

Project Overview: For my capstone project I decided to make a website titled, “Cleaning up Philadelphia”. I came up with the idea for this project when I was walking around the city one day and realized how much trash is… Continue Reading →

Life After College Podcast Case Study

Project Overview:  For my project, I am recording, editing, and uploading a podcast that is intended for college students that are going to be graduating soon.  The goal of my podcast is to give people valuable information that will help… Continue Reading →

Third Consideration: Inclusive Design, Accessibility, and Access

Inclusive Design The Microsoft Inclusive Toolkit defines inclusive design as “a design methodology that enables and draws on the full range of human diversity. The points of exclusion in my primary deliverables, social media posts, represent mismatched human interactions. Using… Continue Reading →

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