For my senior capstone project, I want to create something to help me with my future career path. Knowing that I would like to do something within marketing or sales, I would like to center my project around a topic that will expand on that, while using the creative techniques I have learned in my communications classes at Saint Joseph’s University.

Idea 1: Business Proposal/Brand Book For Pivotal Training

When starting a small business there are many unexpected challenges and obstacles faced. Keeping up with new workout trends and marketing to a broader audience will help your business thrive!

Pivotal Training is a CrossFit gym located in a small town, South Hampton, New Jersey, owned by my parents Shannon and Frank Furfari. Pivotal Training has been open for 10 years, specializing in CrossFit training, and also offers Yoga. Although the business has experienced an immense amount of growth, there is still a long way to go. 

I would like to create a new business proposal and a brand book with new ideas I have on how to grow the company and get more people through the door. Within this brand book, I will include my ideas for expanding the gym and the amenities that it offers, as well as adjusting the pricing due to the classes that I would like to add. I will include an updated floor plan for the many additions I will be adding. With the gym being male-dominant, I would like to add Pilates and Cycling classes to get more female members. 24-year-old female states, 

“With Pivotal Training’s focus being primarily on muscle building and bulking, I would be more inclined to sign up if there were more options for fat loss and muscle toning.”


After creating 2 brand books in a previous course, (Non-Profit Communications/Social Media and Community Engagement) I feel very comfortable in creating this project. With experience using Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop, and Canva, I believe I can accomplish my vision.  

Idea 2: Create a Website and Instagram Handle 

When getting into Real Estate it is important to get yourself out there in as many ways as possible. Instagram is a great place to start!

My mom has gotten into real estate within the past 5 years, and she doesn’t use social media. I would like to create and manage an Instagram account for her so she can market herself. I will be in charge of taking the photos and posting them.    

I found some mentor accounts that I will look to for inspiration on what I would like to create, as well as some articles that gave tips on creating an account focusing primarily on real estate. The mentor accounts also give great examples of meaningful and effective caption ideas. My goal would be to post about 3 times a week, informing people about upcoming open houses and showing professional pictures that I take of the properties. 


I feel confident about taking professional photos and managing a social media page from prior experience in the course Digital Field Method where I completed an Instagram Portfolio project. I created an account for a cheerleading gym and would go in and take professional pictures and post them about 3 times a week. I also took the course Social Media and Community Engagement last semester, and worked with Water is Life Kenya to create and post Instagram content. The software that we used to create content was Canva.

Idea 3: Podcast for Stingray All-Stars Cheerleading Gym

The best coaches are those who act as leaders. Listen to 6 different coaches talk about how they became leaders and managed to stay strong during difficult times. 

I would like to create a 6 episode podcast featuring the head coaches at Stingray All Stars cheerleading gym. Each coach will get an episode where they can express their personality and explain their coaching style. This will be interview style and I will ask each of them a different series of questions. Throughout my years growing up at that gym, I have grown a connection with the coaches and would love to allow them to share some of the challenges that they face, and how they achieve success as coaches. I feel that all coaches from all different sports could connect to this and would be interested in listening. 


With my experience in the course Digital Field Methods I feel confident that I could create a podcast with proper audio and editing. I have experience using microphones and Adobe Audition to edit. I also have experience with conducting interviews from previous projects. I think it will be challenging to conduct 6 interviews with different people and create 6 episodes, but with my previous experience, I believe that I can accomplish my goals.