Girlhood: A personalized magazine discussing how societal standards, popular culture, and social media affects womanhood. Honest. Experienced. Relatable.

I view ‘Girlhood’ as a magazine written from my personal perspective of what it is like to be a woman today. My vision for ‘Girlhood’ would take lots of inspiration from Barbie (2023), and act as a guide to navigate, conquer, and most importantly, appreciate womanhood.

I would be interested in completing this project because it is a topic I, and many other women, can deeply relate to and understand. This project would challenge me in new ways because it would create a platform for me to discuss and reflect on obstacles that women unavoidably and inevitably have to encounter. It would also challenge me artistically, as I would have to create multiple page layouts, color schemes, font styles, and be the creative director of potential photoshoots. In order to effectively bring this vision to life, I would mainly be using Canva.

I visualize ‘Girlhood’ being a 30-page read. The topics could include, but are not limited to: Social media (how the mass media affects women body image, effects of social media on consumer perceptions of brands, influencers/popular creators), hot takes (makeup and product reviews), interview pieces about how other women experience or view girlhood, and maybe intertwine something regarding the Barbie movie to further the connection.

An example of a project already created that is similar to the idea I have is Gabby Guzzardo’s ‘The Femme Rebellion’ magazine, which can be viewed at this link:


Motiv8: Brand book for a new application committed to tracking personal wellness and fitness that can be used for personal usage or to share with other users.

This project focuses on creating a brand book for an application focused on promoting and tracking health, wellness, and fitness goals. My vision for this brand book would be to share the brand persona, create logos, develop a color scheme, design any necessary graphic elements, identify necessary typography, and discover a content direction. Time permitting, I would also like to build the application and include mock-ups in the brand book. This would probably equate to around 25-30 pages.

I would be interested in completing this project because I already put a lot of energy into my personal health and wellness, and this is a project I could see myself pursuing and bringing to life after graduation. I also really like the idea of having one space dedicated to health, wellness, and fitness, rather than joining a very general app like Instagram or TikTok and having to scout out that niche of users. This project would challenge me because I have only ever created 1 brand book before, but I like the fact that if I did choose to pursue this idea after graduation, I would have all of the necessary contents in one space. I would be using Canva for the brand book and Figma for the application.

An example of a project already created that is similar to the idea I have is Michael Perino’s LiftLog application made via Figma, which can be viewed at this link: I can also take inspiration from Tiffany Marciano’s Late Night at Tiff’s brand book, which can be viewed at this link:


Website for Rams Brothers The Pod: An interactive website dedicated to the Rams Brother’s Podcast for returning and new viewers.

Rams Brothers: The Pod, is a podcast created and hosted by Dene and Nick Vespe, brothers and forever fans of the Los Angeles Rams. The show is packed with game highlights, celebrity guests, impactful stats, media reactions, player sound bites, and much more. Currently, Rams Brothers: The Pod can be found on multiple podcast streaming services, and several social media sites such as Instagram, X, and TikTok. What the Rams Brothers currently lack is one space for all of this: a website.

I would be interested in completing a website for the Rams Brothers Podcast because I find that building a site for the pod would further strengthen their current platform, and would provide a larger space for the brothers to interact with their viewers. Creating this site would challenge me in new ways because I have only worked with HTML and CSS one time before and was for personal creation. The creation of the Rams Brothers website would require me to collaborate with my brothers, as if they are clients, to conceptualize what information they want on the site, and where. I would use Brackets, FileZilla, or Word-Press to create the site. I visualize the site having a home page and then a menu bar at the top, that could include, but is not limited to: Our story, Podcasts, Videos, Merch, Reviews, Contact Us.

An example of a project already created that is similar to the idea I have is Arianna MarkatosLenamark Vids, which can be found at this link: