For All Your Capstone Thoughts and Drafts

Author chriss

Consideration Post 3

  Inclusive design: Inclusive design plays a large role in whether or not your content is accessible to the largest amount of people. Without proper attention being given to the subject, certain demographics will ultimately be excluded from your creation…. Continue Reading →

Consideration Post 2

The intention: As someone who is hoping to grow as an animator, there are a few outcomes that I would like to achieve by producing this animated short film. The first of these achievements would be to gain more experience… Continue Reading →


The Technology: The central technological tool I will be using for this project is the animation software Blender. Many versions of this software have come out, adding new and innovative features however I am choosing to use an older version… Continue Reading →

Chris Shuman formal proposal

Topic:  As of now, I would like to create an animated short film that either has to do with the consequences of human conflict/ war or about the concept of liminal space/ the backrooms (the space that is often dedicated… Continue Reading →

Chris Shuman capstone pitches

Pitch #1: short video psa In my civic media class I took last semester, we were shown various animated psas that touched on large social issues while using strong narration, impactful visuals, as well as visually guiding animations/ drawings to… Continue Reading →

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