For All Your Capstone Thoughts and Drafts

Category First Post

This post is going to ask you to consider issues relating to diversity and inclusion and your own projects. This does not mean the project needs to be social justice-related. It means that you are considering an intentional and equitable approach to your work, which is essential regardless of your project or the field you are going into.

For this post, I’d like you to consider each the following questions (informed by “How to begin designing for diversity,” which we read for Monday, so be sure to consult it before you compose your post). You do not need to answer the questions as a bulleted list; you can have a narrative. Use headers and bolded text throughout as highlights.

* What is the intention of your project? That is, what do you hope it will achieve?
* What impact do you hope it will have? That is, how do you hope that it is “lived and experienced in the real world in actual communities”?
* What are the best *and worst* case scenarios for the impact of your project?
* How *might* personal identities influence and/or inform how you approach design?
* What perspectives or lived experiences might be missing from your approach?
* What individuals or misrepresented communities might be missing from your project?
* How will you attempt to make your project inclusive?

Choose the First Consideration Post category.

Due Friday, 2/18 by TBD.

First Consideration: The Importance of Being Diverse with Media and Mental Health

Intention of Project:  The intention of my project is to allow our society and those around us to become more aware of this issue that social media consumes too much of our lives and affects our mental health in ways… Continue Reading →

Considering Inclusion and Diversity Within the Anabolic Diet Model

Intent When discussing the intent of my cookbook project, the biggest thing I took into consideration is thinking about how this book can change the way people live their life and go about their own fitness journey. Too many times… Continue Reading →

Canvas Cuisine: A First Consideration of Diversifying Artistic Palettes

When making a project that is intended for the public, it’s important for us to consider the role that inclusion and diversity should play to help form a well-rounded and well-informed capstone.  Intent: My capstone intends to create a deeper… Continue Reading →

First Consideration: Shedding a Light on the Importance of DEI in Sororities

Intent My intentions with this project are to show how important diversity, equity, and inclusion are within sororities, and to break those common stereotypes. I’m hoping this project will show that sororities are not their stereotypes and that there are… Continue Reading →

First Consideration For Individual Portraits

Intent The intention of my project is to provide students with an option to receive free portraits of themselves. With that being said I am focusing on portraits of individuals that they could either use for their graduation pictures, Linkedin,… Continue Reading →

First Consideration; Bringing Diversity and Inclusion Into the Conversation of Women in Horror

Intent The intent for this project is to spread awareness and shed a new light on the way women have been portrayed in horror films and how that reflects how we treat women as a society. I hope it will… Continue Reading →

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