Pitch #1: A Lil Talking Pod

Re-envisions in significant ways a previous COM or COM-adjacent class project

My first idea would be to produce three more 20-30 minute podcast episodes for my mental health podcast I made during podcasting class, A Lil Talking Pod. Along with episode production, I would also revamp the Instagram account I made for the podcast and continue posting on it. I believe this would be a good project for me because it is something I am passionate about and was successful the first time around.

Tools: Recording gear, Adobe Audition, Adobe Premiere Pro (possibly)

Pitch #2: Photography

Engages personal/creative life in some way

My second idea would be to take, edit, and post photographs on a photography Instagram account that I create. I took photography class my Sophomore year and really enjoyed it. I have wanted to pick the camera back up, but haven’t gotten around to it. This would be a fun project that I could see myself continuing to develop in the future.

Tools: Camera gear, Adobe Lightroom

Pitch #3: Brand Style Guide

Looks toward possible future career and/or graduate educational journey that will showcase skills and approaches necessary for a job or graduate school admissions

My fourth idea is to create a brand style guide. I could either come up with my own brand or create one for an online jewelry store my Mom started a few years ago and no longer uses. She never went through a branding process, so I could use her store as my brand. I have worked with brand style guides (specifically during my internship) and this is a project along the lines of Communications/Marketing for a company, which is what I hope to be doing post-grad.

Tools: InDesign