Inclusion and Diversity



My intention for this project is to create a safe and inclusive community for all identifying-women to feel safe, strong, and powerful. I hope to create a 24-page magazine editorial layout with inspiring and relatable perspectives and stories from women as well as sophisticated and aesthetic photographs that empower other women. My photographs return the power to the female gaze within the media and fashion photography.


I hope that my project has the impact of inspiring women and creating a safe space for women to be themselves. I want to share and spread inspiring stories and photographs that hopefully remind women of people that they may be or that they may know in their own lives. I hope that my project allows women to be their true selves to whatever extent that they may be comfortable with, creating a safe community of strong women where they can feel powerful and beautiful inside and out, in the process.

Best and Worst Case Scenarios

The best case scenario is that the women working with me feel safe, empowered, beautiful, and as though they helped contribute to a empowering community and project, and that other women can look at my project and feel connected to other powerful, strong, brave, and beautiful women, and see those same qualities within themselves as well.

The worst case scenario is that I do not empower or strengthen women through this project. The worst case scenario is women feel used and objectified, and viewers of my project do not see my project as returning the power to the female gaze within the media and fashion photography fields, and are unable to see that correlation.


Personal identities might influence my project because I am a women and so my experiences directly impact the way I approach this project and how I design this project. I want to represent women in a certain way so I am approaching this project in a way that highlights the women I am working with and their stories and perspectives. The identities of women are directly influencing and inspiring my project.

Perspectives and Lived Experiences

My photographs have a very specific theme that references the 1950s. My photographs callback to very specific time period in order to flip the script and the stereotypes from that time. Because of this, my project has a very specific theme and aesthetic of femininity that might not resonate with all women. Not all women might feel empowered with the type of femininity that is represented and showcased throughout my magazine.

Individuals and Communities

Most of the photos for this collection that I plan to use showcase mainly white models, so I have to get a more wide variety of models going forward. Hopefully I can work with different types of people and gain the perspectives of many more, though people of color might feel misrepresented depending on how many models agree to work with me.

Because my project is for a female audience, men will not feel included. They are welcome to also learn and join the community, but they will not feel represented by this project because the primary audience is women.

Another community that might feel misrepresented by my project are people that are non-binary, simply because they might know where they fit within this project or community, or for any other reason.


I will attempt to make this project inclusive by working with a wide variety of models of as many different cultures, skin colors, and perspectives as I can. I will also attempt to work with someone who is non-binary in order to get their perspective and empower them in their own way, including them into the community that I am creating.