For All Your Capstone Thoughts and Drafts

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Hannah Madeya Second Consideration Post

Intention & Impact The intention behind my project will be to showcase the importance behind immersion programs and their significance in the SJU community. Specifically, I will highlight why the process of immersing yourself in another community can lead to… Continue Reading →

Paige Jansen Second Consideration Post

Inclusion and Diversity   Intention My intention for this project is to create a safe and inclusive community for all identifying-women to feel safe, strong, and powerful. I hope to create a 24-page magazine editorial layout with inspiring and relatable… Continue Reading →

Arianna Markatos: Second Consideration Post

Intention and Hopes for My Project The goal of my project is to create an accessible website for my client, in doing this I will be creating a space online where anyone can see her portfolio and hire her for… Continue Reading →

Madison Mancino – Second Consideration Post

My Intentions My intention with this podcast is to open up a dialogue about cannabis and cannabis use. I want to educate people on what cannabis is really like and how it benefits so many different kinds of people with… Continue Reading →

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