For All Your Capstone Thoughts and Drafts

Tag Senior Capstone

Paige Jansen Capstone Proposal

Envie Magazine   Last semester was the first half of my Art Capstone course, where we were tasked with assembling a final art project of our choosing. Over the years, photography has been my passion and my media of choice,… Continue Reading →

Paige Jansen Capstone Pitches

Magazine Editorial I would create my own magazine brand and a magazine editorial layout that utilizes photographs that I have taken throughout college, especially in the Art Capstone course I took last semester. In the Art Capstone course I selected… Continue Reading →

Juliet Gentilucci Capstone Pitches

Pitch 1: Video Content for the FJI Website The Faith Justice Insitute’s (FJI) website has no video media content. I intend on fixing that.  Past Experience: For my Digital Field Methods Class I created short Instagram videos for the social… Continue Reading →

Dana Pezzuti Capstone Pitches

Designing a Magazine Editorial Creating a magazine editorial with my original photos and design content. This is a project I can see myself really enjoying, as it will give me the opportunity to put my graphic design and photography skills… Continue Reading →

Gianna Furfari Spring 2024 Senior Capstone Pitches

For my senior capstone project, I want to create something to help me with my future career path. Knowing that I would like to do something within marketing or sales, I would like to center my project around a topic… Continue Reading →

Jessica Smith: Third Consideration Post

Avoiding Exclusions & Creating Inclusions As I have been working on The 14:1 Podcast, I have been challenged by the fact that it excludes those who are deaf. When thinking about this in and outside of class, I have realized… Continue Reading →

Caitlin Reistle – Third Consideration Post

Magazine: Excluding the visually impaired The main exclusion point of my project is the printed aspect. My magazine is entirely tangible and excludes the blind or vision-impaired community. When brainstorming my project, I wanted to create a place for my… Continue Reading →

Jessica Smith- Second Consideration Post- s23

Second Consideration Post Intention The intention behind The 14:1 Podcast is to talk about issues young women face through the lens of faith and Christianity. I want this podcast to be inspiring and encouraging to young adult women in the… Continue Reading →

Julianna Kissinger: First Consideration Post

One of the technologies that I will be using to create my booklet as a part of my Capstone project is Adobe’s InDesign. I currently have version 17.0.1, but that may change as Adobe is frequently updating their softwares. I… Continue Reading →

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