Second Consideration Post


The intention behind The 14:1 Podcast is to talk about issues young women face through the lens of faith and Christianity. I want this podcast to be inspiring and encouraging to young adult women in the age range of 18 to 24 who may be going through a hard time and cannot see the light at the end of the tunnel. Considering there will be a large list of topics such as friendships, relationships, breakups, job searches and trusting God’s plan in all of it, grieving the loss of loved ones, etc.,  I hope that it can be a soundboard for young women that may be really struggling.

Impact & My Hope

I hope that this podcast becomes a great resource for young women and a place they can turn to as if they are having a conversation with an older sister. I believe there will be an episode for everyone regardless of what struggle they may be going through. I envision this having a large impact on the young adult age group in churches and I plan to share it with lots of my different Bible study groups as well as women’s groups. In regards to the podcast being “lived and experienced in the real world in actual communities”, I will have a variety of people on the podcast and cover a variety of topics to ensure there is something for everyone. If I were to pick one wish for listeners, it would be that every person who listens, can have at least one big takeaway.

Best & Worst Case Scenarios

The best-case scenario for my project would be that it takes off, touches so many people deeply, and becomes something so much larger than I could have ever anticipated. I have always had the hope that this podcast is something that I will continue far beyond this class. The worst-case scenario for this podcast would be that it does not get any traction. If this is the case, however, I believe in myself enough to push it out there more. I do want to make it clear though that I do not really care about the number of listens as much as I care about how it is affecting other people. I would rather have one listener who is really inspired instead of 50 people who felt nothing toward the podcast.

Influence on Approaching Design

I am actually really excited to see so many identities come together on this podcast. I have a wide variety of guests planning to record with me in regard to age, gender, demographics, race, etc. . I think by incorporating a variety of people, you make the overall podcast more relatable to viewers. I do not want this podcast to be all 20-something-year-old, white females talking about God and hardships because that does not actually represent anyone outside of one group. Because representation is very important to me in this podcast, I will ask each guest the same question each episode which I think will set the tone for my design throughout the episode.

Missing Perspectives or Lived Experiences

There are certain topics and experiences that could be difficult for me to make an episode about. For example, if there is a sensitive matter that may be hard for a guest to speak on, I will not be pushing them to share it with the public. This could ultimately cause me to miss out on an experience that a handful of people have experienced. If I or a guest has not had this experience, I would struggle to talk about it because I would feel like I am lacking true authenticity. Because the podcast will be based on Christian/Biblical perspectives, it will be missing other beliefs, religions, and even general perspectives. In the future, maybe this is something I could explore but for now, my intention is to create this as a Christian-based podcast.

Individuals and/or Misrepresented Communities Missing

The truth is, not everybody believes in God or has a faith life at all. Even if some people have a faith life, they may not care to listen to a podcast like this. This is definitely a population/community that may be missing from the podcast. Like any podcast though, we all have specific things/topics that pique our interest and there are podcasts we are more likely to listen to than others. Also, this podcast’s target audience is young women so it is not directly geared elsewhere.

Project Inclusivity

As far as demographic, I believe I have a good range of people so I am excited about the variety. I also plan on having a few males on the podcast as well which will help include their perspectives. Through numerous guests I believe I will have the ability to make the podcast relatable and reflective of society today.