For All Your Capstone Thoughts and Drafts

Category Second Post s23

This post is going to ask you to consider issues relating to diversity and inclusion and your own projects (much as we have done in class for 2/20). This does not mean the project needs to be social justice-related. It means that you are considering an intentional and equitable approach to your work, which is essential regardless of your project or the field you are going into.

For this post, I’d like you to consider each the following questions (informed by “How to begin designing for diversity,” which we read for Monday 2/20, so be sure to consult it and your homework before you compose your post). You do not need to answer the questions as a bulleted list; you can have a narrative.

Remember to ensure the layout is pleasing. If you paste in content from another document, be sure to select the icon in the toolbar that enables unformatted pasting. Be sure to follow the Blog Post Checklist.

* What is the intention of your project? That is, what do you hope it will achieve?
* What impact do you hope it will have? That is, how do you hope that it is “lived and experienced in the real world in actual communities”?
* What are the best *and worst* case scenarios for the impact of your project?
* How *might* personal identities influence and/or inform how you approach design?
* What perspectives or lived experiences might be missing from your approach?
* What individuals or misrepresented communities might be missing from your project?
* Considering who is missing and/or misrepresented, how will you attempt to make your project inclusive?

Choose the Second Post s23 category.

Due Friday, 2/24 by 11:00pm.

Stephanie Wengler: Project Consideration Post 2

Intention and hopes for my project My intention for this project is to educate and inspire. Educate students in all majors to consider gaining professional experience before graduating and let me learn and understand the benefits and purpose of doing… Continue Reading →

Project Consideration Post #2 Caitlin Reistle

My project intends to ultimately uplift the voices of student-athletes struggling with mental health-related issues while raising awareness for an underrepresented issue in the media. The intersection of mental health in students, and mental health in athletes is a dangerous… Continue Reading →

Lily McStravick – Second Consideration Post

Intention and Impact Through my project, I hope to use different photography techniques to create images that people feel a connection to. Whether it be a sense of hope, peace, passion, etc. I hope that these images are memorable in… Continue Reading →

Aaron Tully – Second Consideration Post

Intention For my project, I intend to design a regatta website that is accessible for all who need to use it, and whatever functions they may need it for. I aim to accomplish this by using all the knowledge I… Continue Reading →

Arianna Markatos: Second Consideration Post

Intention and Hopes for My Project The goal of my project is to create an accessible website for my client, in doing this I will be creating a space online where anyone can see her portfolio and hire her for… Continue Reading →

Joe Schreibman – Second Consideration Post

INTENTION OF MY PROJECT My intention in this project is for me to be more open with my own experiences.  I also want to show people who are struggling that they are not alone, and there is always a way… Continue Reading →

Jessica Smith- Second Consideration Post- s23

Second Consideration Post Intention The intention behind The 14:1 Podcast is to talk about issues young women face through the lens of faith and Christianity. I want this podcast to be inspiring and encouraging to young adult women in the… Continue Reading →

Caroline Scallion – Second Consideration Post

Project Intentions and Impact The intention of my project is to empower and unite the Philadelphia community. I hope that it will inspire the individuals involved and the individuals that witness it. It will be welcoming and inclusive of all… Continue Reading →

Perino Second Post

The intention of the project is to design a basic UI for a fitness social media that aims to change the stigma associated with posting fitness growth as well as maintaining a log of progress. This would be an attempt… Continue Reading →

Natalia Pereira – Second Consideration Post

Intentions of My Project With the SJUspeaks Instagram account, I hope to incorporate various voices (of students at SJU) in a unified account to sustain, heal and empower SJU as a whole. It makes way for these voices to be… Continue Reading →

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