For All Your Capstone Thoughts and Drafts

Tag Technology

Arianna Markatos: Consideration Post #1

What is the technology/material you have chosen to discuss? If applicable, include the brand, model, version, etc. Different models and brands afford and constrain in different ways, and professionals in the field know why they use what they use. Why… Continue Reading →

Madison Mancino – First Consideration Post

My Technology One of the technologies I will be using to help me create and complete my project is Canva, accessed and used through my MacBook Air 13” that I bought in June 2019. I will be using Canva Pro… Continue Reading →

Tiffany Marciano: Technology and Materiality

My Technology One of the technologies I will be relying on for my project is my Apple Pencil, which will be used with my iPad. It is the first generation Apple Pencil, which is the only one compatible with the… Continue Reading →

The Affordance of a WordPress Site

Technology being Discussed I have chosen to discuss the use of WordPress as a website and place to hold my blog, Life With Others. I am using WordPress to share my voice and the voice of others with a larger… Continue Reading →

Adobe InDesign: Affordances and Sociability

My Technology One of the main technologies that are central to the creation of my project is Adobe InDesign version 17.1. This is what I will be using in order to put together my document showing the Marketing research and strategy through… Continue Reading →

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