
The intention of my project is to bring awareness to mental health from a positive perspective, providing helpful tips and techniques, sharing personal experiences, and creating a safe space for the reader, allowing them to learn more about what they’re going through and what can help.


I hope it will reach people who may feel lost on the next steps of their mental health journey, where they are able to turn to my magazine to learn more about self-care, mindfulness, and wellness techniques that can be done in everyday life. I also hope the readers can relate to the personal experiences and stories that are written, and have an overall positive impact on the community.

Best & Worst Case Scenarios

Best case scenario for my magazine is for the readers to find helpful tips and techniques for daily use in their lives, where they can live a more positive life and hopefully minimize some of their mental health struggles. Also, having the readers be able to relate to some of the personal experiences that are written in the magazine so they don’t feel alone in their feelings is another thing I hope to achieve. Worst case scenario for this would be readers taking the information the wrong way and thinking that my magazine is promoting toxic positivity, which is something that invalidates human emotion and experiences, and puts pressure on only showing positive emotion and being happy while suppressing negative emotions, or feeling like it is not okay to have negative thoughts and feelings.

Personal Identities

Since I am someone who has struggled with my mental health for a while, I have done a lot of research and readings looking towards helpful techniques in the self-care, mindfulness, and wellness areas. Because of this, I believe that my personal experience with this will influence how I design my magazine. The way I am writing, the type of information I am putting out, the graphics I am using, the photos, the layout, etc. will all be influenced by my own experiences with this topic.

Missed Perspectives

A perspective missing from my approach could be someone who has struggled with mental health issues for a while and has tried different techniques, but hasn’t found anything helpful in the areas I will be talking about. Everyone’s experiences are different, so there could be some perspectives missing from my content that I am not aware of or haven’t experienced myself.

Misrepresented Communities & How I Will Make My Project Inclusive

A misrepresented community / individual that is missing from my project is the male perspective on this topic. As a female writing the experiences, researching the topics, and designing it in my own kind of feminine style and aesthetic, it can be hard to understand this topic from a male perspective. Because of this, I intend to include male models and their experiences in my magazine content to add in this perspective.