For All Your Capstone Thoughts and Drafts

Author mp

Perino Second Post

The intention of the project is to design a basic UI for a fitness social media that aims to change the stigma associated with posting fitness growth as well as maintaining a log of progress. This would be an attempt… Continue Reading →

Michael Perino – First Post

The technology that I have selected to discuss is the design tool “Figma”. Figma is a web-based vector graphics editor and prototyping tool for user interface design. It has risen in popularity in the industry due to its versatility and… Continue Reading →

Michael Perino: Final Proposal

Topic:  I propose to design the User Interface and User Experience (UI/UX) for a concept iOS mobile fitness application. As a UI/UX designer seeking employment, this project will provide me with the opportunity to showcase my design abilities and demonstrate… Continue Reading →

Michael Perino – Senior Capstone Pitches

Pitch #1: Fitness Social Media App UI/UX I propose designing a social media platform for fitness enthusiasts, similar to Instagram. The platform would enable users to create their own personal profiles, track their progress, and share their routines, diet, PR,… Continue Reading →

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