Capstone Project Pitch Ideas

Rebrand “Healthy Lifestyle” Instagram Account

In my visual design class with Aimee Knight we created and managed a social media platform centering on user retention and engagement.  My account was called healthy lifestyle and my target audience was mainly female college students, but anyone can benefit from the content.  I posted easy, affordable recipes that had nutritional value as well as at home workout routines and health and wellness tips. 

I want to create a brand book for my account to clearly establish this brand.  I will also include color palettes, fonts, and logos in my presentation.  I will have a clearly laid out posting schedule so my follows will know when to expect content. I was also thinking about using the skills I learned in web design to code a website for this brand.  This would be a great place to organize all of my recipes in one place so my followers do not have to scroll to the bottom of my Instagram page to find what they are looking for.  The link to the webite will be in the bio of my Instagram account.

There are many accounts I am using for inspiration including:


Philly Guide Book: Restaurants, Activities, Festivals

I love trying new restaurants in Philly and I am always researching to see what the latest Philly events are and if there is anything opening up.  I want to highlight my favorite spots in Philadelphia as well as update people on some of Philly’s latest finds. These can be art festivals, new restaurants opening up, happy hour details at popular spots, etc.

I will use Indesign and Canva which I have used throughout COM courses, like Visual Design, to design my book.  I would also create an instagram page along with this to promote my brand.  I will also use premier pro which I learned with Steven Hammer to edit instagram reels of the restaurants I have been to and events I have attended.  Phillyfoodies is an account that makes good reels and I will be using for inspiration.

I want to separate my book into 5 chapters.  Each chapter will have a section for restaurants of the week, upcoming events, local pop-ups, and deals you cant miss.


Philly Events Podcast

My final pitch idea is to create a podcast of about 5 episodes at about 30 minutes per episode.  I will do something similar with this podcast as the previous guide book idea.  I will highlight upcoming events and give details on the time, place, and location. I will find coffee shops, hidden gem restaurants, and parks and actives in Philadelphia to review for the podcast.  I also want there to be a visual aspect to this project to highlight the food and places I have been/will go.  I will make an Instagram account to accompany the podcast as well as promote it.  I will post images and reels to give listeners a visual component to the podcast.

For this project I would use my podcasting and Adobe Audition skills I acquired in my COM courses with Steven Hammer.  There is a TikTok account, planetochampagne, that makes short videos on upcoming activities in Philly that I will use as inspiration for my account.  This page highlights hotspots in Philly, but I will make a podcast version that includes more detail and description on the events.  I would also interview the restaurant owners and storefront owners whose businesses I am attending.

I also want to establish a brand for this podcast by creating a detailed brand book to help keep a consistent theme.  This will include logos, color palates, and fonts.