Project 1: The Playoff Push Podcast

I want to do a 6 episode podcast roughly dropping a 30-45 minute episode every other week.  Out of the six episodes I want to aim to have a guest speaker on three of those six episodes. The subject of the podcast I was aiming for is current Philadelphia sports topics. Throughout the next 15 weeks, the main topics will be the Flyers and Sixers push for the playoffs so the episodes will most likely contain information regarding those two teams. I was planning on using Adobe Audacity to record more because I’m familiar with Adobe products. Some of the tools needed for this would be the obvious microphone along with my computer. This project would challenge me in a few new ways. One is that I’ve always avoided reaching out to interview individuals. With this project, I feel that guests are necessary and it would get me out of my comfort zone of asking people to come onto the podcast. Doing this also challenges me in a way where I need to do a lot of preparation for what is going to be talked about in each episode. I’ve always had a passion for talking about sports especially the teams in Philadelphia so I thought it would be a great idea to express my opinions on the Philadelphia sports teams with a podcast. (This is a podcast that is kind of similar in the overall topic that I want to talk about. The main topic would be the playoff push for the Flyers and Sixers and this episode talks about the Colts playoff push from a few weeks ago).


Project 2: Graphic Design for Podcast

For this project, I want to take my graph design skills to another level. I have a cousin who has a podcast and I thought that it would be a great idea to improve some of their graphic design work. They post two videos each week on YouTube and those posts require cover photos. At the current stage, there is nothing that sticks out with what they use so I thought that for the next few months, I could create all the graphic design cover photos for each video they post. Their podcast is centered around the NFL so I believe that the cover image of their post should contain players or teams that they will be talking about on that particular episode. They also release merchandise as well regularly and that can also be a part of my project. It would be awesome to create some new well-designed merchandise that they can sell because at the moment what they are selling is very basic products with just their logo. The software that would be used would be Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop. This project would challenge me to stay on top of my game because they are releasing videos twice a week. With being said in the end this should build me a quite large portfolio of all of my graphic design work. (If you look at the cover image here its similar into what I want to create for each episode of the podcast).


Project 3: Philly 4 for 4 Sports Blog

It would be awesome to build a Philly sports blog. I would shoot for 1-2 posts a week depending on the amount of blog-worthy news in that particular week. At the end of the day, I’ve always found it extremely easy to write on topics I’m interested in. I’m extremely passionate about Philly sports so I thought it would be good to get my opinion out there. At the moment we have the Eagles who are in the offseason and a bunch of coaching changes are going to take place over the next few weeks. Then we got the Flyers and Sixers who are making their playoff push. While the Phillies got free agency starting up in a few weeks. The number of potential blogs is endless so running out of possible ideas won’t be a issue.  I believe the best platform for me to use would be WordPress. I’ve already taken several journalism courses so I feel that I’m a pretty good writer and writing these blogs regularly will only improve my skills. I also have work from previous years of sports articles so I feel that at the end of this, it will be a large portfolio of all my work. The website will only help organize all of the work that I’ve done over the years. 

​​ (This blog talks about the firing of a recent coach for the Eagles and this would be a prime example of a blog that I would write).