
For my project, I intend to design a regatta website that is accessible for all who need to use it, and whatever functions they may need it for. I aim to accomplish this by using all the knowledge I have gained about web design accessibility, and finding a way to implement that into my website. By redesigning this website, I hope to put the Navy Day Regatta website on the same level of quality as other fall rowing regattas.


I intend for my website to have a positive impact on not only the organizers of the Navy Day Regatta, but also the people who use the site for various needs. I hope to design a website that is simple and easy to use, as well as have all of its content be easy to find and access.

Best and Worst Case Scenarios

The best-case scenario for my project is that I design a high quality website that enhances the race day experience of coaches, athletes, and parents, both online and at the race itself. Having the website turn out like several of the examples that I have used would be an ideal outcome for this project. 

The worst case scenario for my project is if the website fails to make the user experience any smoother or easier than it already is. Considering the dire state of the website in its current form, making a lateral move or minor improvement would be a failure in my eyes. 

 Personal Identities Influence on Design

 My identity as a White male, as well as a rower, may cause me to have some biases that I need to be conscious of when designing the website. As an athlete, I may be looking for different things on a regatta website than a coach or a parent would. It is important that I find a way to design for all parties who may use the website, and try to keep my identity from infringing upon what might be a better design for coaches or parents. 

Lived Experiences

I have no limitations in terms of things like arthritis, carpal tunnel, or anything that may make extended scrolling or mouse movement difficult, so it is important to take that into account when designing my website. I have to make sure everything is neatly organized and easy to find in order to minimize those things.

Missing Perspectives and Inclusivity

Considering how rowing is a relatively niche sport, I am unsure of how many athletes themselves have disabilities that allow them to compete in non-para events. However, there could be coaches or parents with physical impairments that may necessitate better parking or spectating points along the river. Having resources for those things on the website that are easy to locate and access will certainly be a part of the design process.