For All Your Capstone Thoughts and Drafts

Tag Communications

Julianna Kissinger: Second Consideration Post

My intention and hopes for this project is to increase the awareness of the benefits of the Communications Department at Saint Joe’s. I firmly believe that this Department is capable of competing with other COM programs in the area, as… Continue Reading →

Madison Mancino – First Consideration Post

My Technology One of the technologies I will be using to help me create and complete my project is Canva, accessed and used through my MacBook Air 13” that I bought in June 2019. I will be using Canva Pro… Continue Reading →

Natalia Pereira – First Consideration Post

Considering Instagram as Crucial Technology for “SJU Speaks”   My Technology: A technology that is absolutely vital to my project is the app/software Instagram. I have the most recent update (version 270.0), which is said to contain “bug fixes and… Continue Reading →

Senior Capstone Pitches

Updating SJU’s COM Department’s Promotional Materials Create a booklet or pamphlet highlighting the key features, courses offered, full-time department professors, and other important details of SJU’s COM Department. In addition a promotional video will be made discussing the value of… Continue Reading →

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