For All Your Capstone Thoughts and Drafts

Tag diversity

Caroline Scallion – Second Consideration Post

Project Intentions and Impact The intention of my project is to empower and unite the Philadelphia community. I hope that it will inspire the individuals involved and the individuals that witness it. It will be welcoming and inclusive of all… Continue Reading →

Natalia Pereira – Second Consideration Post

Intentions of My Project With the SJUspeaks Instagram account, I hope to incorporate various voices (of students at SJU) in a unified account to sustain, heal and empower SJU as a whole. It makes way for these voices to be… Continue Reading →

Anna Dorneman- Second Consideration Post

Intentions of My Project My goal for my capstone project is to revamp my blog and Instagram to make them look more professional and consistent. I intend to create new presets from scratch using Adobe Lightroom and I have been… Continue Reading →

Tiffany Marciano – Diversity and Inclusion

Intention and Hopes for My Project The goal of my project is to create a complete design book consisting of the branding, messaging, interior, and floor plan layout of my future bakery. It will allow me to research how to… Continue Reading →

DEI and Sorority Life: The Importance of Fulfilling its Purpose

Inclusion and Accessibility Within My Project About DEI in Sororities When it comes to inclusion and accessibility with this project, it’s all quite self-explanatory. Since it revolves around diversity, equity, and inclusion, ensuring it’s accessible to all is a major… Continue Reading →

Considering the Importance of a Novel’s Design

Intention The intention of my project is to successfully design book jacket covers for two of my mom’s novels. The inspiration behind these novels that I intend to emulate are Evvie Drake Starts Over by Linda Holmes, Beach Read by… Continue Reading →

Considering Inclusion and Diversity Within the Anabolic Diet Model

Intent When discussing the intent of my cookbook project, the biggest thing I took into consideration is thinking about how this book can change the way people live their life and go about their own fitness journey. Too many times… Continue Reading →

First Consideration: Shedding a Light on the Importance of DEI in Sororities

Intent My intentions with this project are to show how important diversity, equity, and inclusion are within sororities, and to break those common stereotypes. I’m hoping this project will show that sororities are not their stereotypes and that there are… Continue Reading →

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