For All Your Capstone Thoughts and Drafts

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Madison Mancino – First Consideration Post

My Technology One of the technologies I will be using to help me create and complete my project is Canva, accessed and used through my MacBook Air 13” that I bought in June 2019. I will be using Canva Pro… Continue Reading →

Aaron Tully – Senior Capstone Pitches

Revamp SJU Men’s/Women’s Rowing Social Media/Record Books The social media accounts of the Saint Joseph’s Rowing teams often have promotional race day content that lags behind other programs. The team record book on has not been updated since the… Continue Reading →

Top Five: An In Depth Book Design by Maggie McLaughlin

An In Depth Book Design By Maggie McLaughlin Purpose  For my project, I will be digitally creating a book jacket cover and bringing it to life with printed versions, photo shoots, and media graphics/campaigns to promote the novel. My mother,… Continue Reading →

Maggie’s Ideas

Idea 1: For my project, I am thinking of creating a rebranding project for a well known brand. I am unsure what brand I would choose but possibly a well known brand like Dunkin Donuts, Victoria’s Secret, or the Washington… Continue Reading →

Sean Fagan COM Pitches

The first idea I have for my project is a promotional advocacy campaign. I have made other promotional campaigns in some marketing classes I have taken here at SJU and was thinking of making a more in-depth version with sample… Continue Reading →

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