For All Your Capstone Thoughts and Drafts

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Paige Jansen Third Consideration Post

Inclusive Design   Points of Exclusion The two primary deliverables of my project include a printed magazine editorial layout and a digital magazine editorial layout, both with images and text throughout the magazine. Within both deliverables people that are blind… Continue Reading →

Gianna Furfari Consideration Post 3

Points of Exclusion Inherent in Primary Deliverables My primary deliverable is a brand book. One exclusion inherent in my primary deliverable is for those who can not see images very well. I will be including pictures throughout my brand book… Continue Reading →

Paige Jansen Second Consideration Post

Inclusion and Diversity   Intention My intention for this project is to create a safe and inclusive community for all identifying-women to feel safe, strong, and powerful. I hope to create a 24-page magazine editorial layout with inspiring and relatable… Continue Reading →

Paige Jansen First Consideration Post

Technologies and Materials   Nikon D610 Camera In order to truly capture fantastic photographs for my magazine editorial layout project, I first selected the camera that will best assist me. A technology that is central to my project is the… Continue Reading →

Dana Pezzuti First Consideration Post

Technology & Materials One of the main types of technology for my project is a DSLR camera which I will be using to take my own photos in the studio as a big part of my magazine design. The model… Continue Reading →

Paige Jansen Capstone Proposal

Envie Magazine   Last semester was the first half of my Art Capstone course, where we were tasked with assembling a final art project of our choosing. Over the years, photography has been my passion and my media of choice,… Continue Reading →

Dana Pezzuti Capstone Proposal

A Magazine for Positive Living My Overall Theme For my senior communications capstone, I decided on creating a project touching on the topic of mental health, but approaching it from a more positive aspect. Mental health has become a more… Continue Reading →

Paige Jansen Capstone Pitches

Magazine Editorial I would create my own magazine brand and a magazine editorial layout that utilizes photographs that I have taken throughout college, especially in the Art Capstone course I took last semester. In the Art Capstone course I selected… Continue Reading →

Dana Pezzuti Capstone Pitches

Designing a Magazine Editorial Creating a magazine editorial with my original photos and design content. This is a project I can see myself really enjoying, as it will give me the opportunity to put my graphic design and photography skills… Continue Reading →

A Case Study on Living the Anabolic Lifestyle Cookbook

What is Living the Anabolic Lifestyle Cookbook All About? Living The Anabolic Lifestyle Cookbook was designed to showcase the skills I’ve acquired as a Communications major while also giving the public a deliverable project that will positively impact their life…. Continue Reading →

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