For All Your Capstone Thoughts and Drafts

Month April 2022

Case Study on Instagram Rebrand

Project Overview: For my Senior Capstone project I decided to update my photography Instagram site with all new content. I specifically will be focusing on taking more professional photos and building an organized aesthetic throughout my profile page. My goal… Continue Reading →

A Case Study on Living the Anabolic Lifestyle Cookbook

What is Living the Anabolic Lifestyle Cookbook All About? Living The Anabolic Lifestyle Cookbook was designed to showcase the skills I’ve acquired as a Communications major while also giving the public a deliverable project that will positively impact their life…. Continue Reading →

Case Study on Sororities and DEI.

Project Overview This project is about diversity, equity, and inclusion in Greek life, mainly in sororities. People from BGLO and non-BGLO organizations will be interviewed about their thoughts and feelings on DEI in Greek life. I had intentions to be… Continue Reading →

First Consideration: Diversity and Inclusion in Design

Intentions The intention of my project is to create a series of posters that will each tell a story. Each poster will be about a specific person who has struggled with mental health and show how their rabbit has positively… Continue Reading →

Third Consideration: Accessibility and Inclusivity for my Vlogs

One of the biggest goals for my project is to make sure that everyone is able to access my content and use it in whatever means they see fit. My content should be easy to access for all since I… Continue Reading →

Technology: Canon EOS Rebel T100

What is My Technology?    The technology I am using for my project is a Canon EOS Rebel T100 Camera. This important technology is the centerpiece and without it, I wouldn’t be able to complete my project. After three different… Continue Reading →

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