For All Your Capstone Thoughts and Drafts

Month January 2023

Michael Perino: Final Proposal

Topic:  I propose to design the User Interface and User Experience (UI/UX) for a concept iOS mobile fitness application. As a UI/UX designer seeking employment, this project will provide me with the opportunity to showcase my design abilities and demonstrate… Continue Reading →

Madison Mancino: Formal Proposal

Below is my formal pitch for my Senior Capstone Project. Trust the Plant: the Podcast The main topic I will be focusing on is the destigmatization of cannabis and cannabis use with a sub-focus on various popular media and cultural… Continue Reading →

Julianna Kissinger: Proposal

I will be creating strong promotional materials for the Communications & Media Studies Department at Saint Joseph’s University. This Department has very few, and outdated, handouts to promote themselves. This material will cover core & optional courses offered in the… Continue Reading →

Jessica Smith- Senior Capstone

Senior Capstone Pitches:   Podcast– I have always been interested in creating a podcast because I have had a pretty crazy life. I would talk about some of the hard things I have gone through while sharing what I have… Continue Reading →

Jack Botto: Senior Capstone Potential Projects

1) Short Film Project Objective:  To create a professional-grade documentary-style film that portrays a fictitious story based on true events relating to my childhood band. Duration about 15-25 minutes. Additionally, create a small social media campaign/ profile for the production… Continue Reading →

Stephanie Wengler- Senior Capstone Pitches

Work-school balance: A documentary about the challenges and benefits of working professionally while going to school. Interview people who hire interns that are also in school, interview students in the internship course and students who didn’t receive credit for their… Continue Reading →

Joe Schreibman-Senior Capstone Pitches

Pitch #1: The Values of College beyond academics My first pitch is to discuss the values of college beyond just academics.  I plan to interview people at St. Joe’s, other universities, and college graduates.  I will turn this into a… Continue Reading →

Caitlin Reistle – Senior Capstone Pitches

Pitch #1: Rebrand of a Philly Sports Team This project would extend into my professional career, in hopes that I will land a job doing design, marketing, or social media work in the sports industry. The deliverables would include a… Continue Reading →

Lily McStravick – Senior Capstone Pitches

Pitch #1: A Lil Talking Pod Re-envisions in significant ways a previous COM or COM-adjacent class project My first idea would be to produce three more 20-30 minute podcast episodes for my mental health podcast I made during podcasting class,… Continue Reading →

Arianna Markatos: Senior Capstone Pitches

Idea #1: Creating a website for Lenamarkvids  My sister, Elena is a videographer/photographer and she’s been using an Instagram account to post her video edits and pictures. While she focuses mainly on sport edits, she also gets hired to make… Continue Reading →

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