For All Your Capstone Thoughts and Drafts

Author nc

Project Overview:  For my senior capstone project, I have created a short film portraying the issues about how social media consumes too much of our lives and affects our mental health in ways we should not let it. I want… Continue Reading →

Why Use Inclusive Design and Accessibility? As I create a project about the effects that social media has on our mental health, it is so crucial to make sure I create a short film that will allow people of disability… Continue Reading →

What is the technology/material you have chosen to discuss? If applicable, include the brand, model, version, etc. Different models and brands afford and constrain in different ways, and professionals in the field know why they use what they use. (If… Continue Reading →

First Consideration: The Importance of Being Diverse with Media and Mental Health

Intention of Project:  The intention of my project is to allow our society and those around us to become more aware of this issue that social media consumes too much of our lives and affects our mental health in ways… Continue Reading →

The Power of Social Media and Its Impacts It Has on Mental Health

  My name is Nicolette Cosmas and I am a senior at Saint Joseph’s University. I am partaking in a Senior Capstone project by using my videography skills as a Communications Major through documenting a short film about how social… Continue Reading →

Idea 1: Digital Photography My first idea was to use my photography skills to create a photo story and illustrate about 10-15 photos that tells a story about a current issue in society. I want to use several images to… Continue Reading →

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