For All Your Capstone Thoughts and Drafts

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Sydney Rose Third Consideration Post

Point of Exclusion A point of exclusion in one of my deliverables can be identified through my packaging proposals. This deliverable can have the possibility of excluding people with limited dexterity. This can represent MisMatched Human Interactions because people with… Continue Reading →

Sydney Rose Second Consideration Post

Intention In my project, I intend to expand my parents’ brand to the best of my ability. My parents’ goal for the Common Earth is to help people who might not be able to experience healthy living habits and to… Continue Reading →

Sydney Rose Formal Proposal

Brand Book for the Common Earth Company In 2020, my parents created the Common Earth Company, located in Jersey City, N.J. The company aims to provide healthy lifestyle alternatives to underserved communities. My brand book will solidify their brand personality… Continue Reading →

Sydney Rose Capstone Pitches

Pitch One: Podcast- “Black at SJU” The black experience at a PWI is one that I am very familiar with. It is extremely complex, challenging and even funny at times. This podcast will serve as an outlet for black students… Continue Reading →

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