For All Your Capstone Thoughts and Drafts

Month February 2023

Perino Second Post

The intention of the project is to design a basic UI for a fitness social media that aims to change the stigma associated with posting fitness growth as well as maintaining a log of progress. This would be an attempt… Continue Reading →

Natalia Pereira – Second Consideration Post

Intentions of My Project With the SJUspeaks Instagram account, I hope to incorporate various voices (of students at SJU) in a unified account to sustain, heal and empower SJU as a whole. It makes way for these voices to be… Continue Reading →

Julianna Kissinger: Second Consideration Post

My intention and hopes for this project is to increase the awareness of the benefits of the Communications Department at Saint Joe’s. I firmly believe that this Department is capable of competing with other COM programs in the area, as… Continue Reading →

Anna Dorneman- Second Consideration Post

Intentions of My Project My goal for my capstone project is to revamp my blog and Instagram to make them look more professional and consistent. I intend to create new presets from scratch using Adobe Lightroom and I have been… Continue Reading →

Tiffany Marciano – Diversity and Inclusion

Intention and Hopes for My Project The goal of my project is to create a complete design book consisting of the branding, messaging, interior, and floor plan layout of my future bakery. It will allow me to research how to… Continue Reading →

Julia Stokes Consideration Post #2

My Intentions Through this project, I intend to create an extensive body of graphic design and creative work to show to potential employers in the future. I want to potentially enter the beauty industry during my marketing career so having… Continue Reading →

Caitlin Reistle Project Consideration Post #1

TECHNOLOGY: Otter application OtterĀ is a program that transcribes conversations live. While you speak, the program records what is being said as an audio file, and types out what is being said at the same time. More features of this program… Continue Reading →

Madison Mancino – Second Consideration Post

My Intentions My intention with this podcast is to open up a dialogue about cannabis and cannabis use. I want to educate people on what cannabis is really like and how it benefits so many different kinds of people with… Continue Reading →

Michael Perino – First Post

The technology that I have selected to discuss is the design tool “Figma”. Figma is a web-based vector graphics editor and prototyping tool for user interface design. It has risen in popularity in the industry due to its versatility and… Continue Reading →

Jack Botto – First Consideration Post

What is the technology? One of the technologies I will be using to create the videos as part of my senior capstone project is Adobe Premiere Pro, a video audio and image editing software application. I have decided to use… Continue Reading →

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