For All Your Capstone Thoughts and Drafts

Month February 2024

Domenic Picone 2nd Consideration Post

Inclusion and Diversity: Intention: Our main goal with our sports podcast is to give fans of sports a forum to have thoughtful discussions that go beyond the stats and highlights. Our goals are to delve into the more nuanced stories,… Continue Reading →

Joe Gibson’s 3rd Consideration Post

Exclusion Points and Design Solutions I am creating a blog with mostly writing. My articles will consist of writing as well as images. One of the points of exclusion that I can see happening within my website is issues for… Continue Reading →

Domenic Picone 3rd Consideration Post

Primary Deliverables: Podcast Episodes and Websites Podcast Episodes Point of Exclusion: Lack of Audio Descriptions  For those who are blind or have low vision, audio descriptions offer extra narration that describes visual aspects, activities, and scenes inside the podcast. These… Continue Reading →

Sydney Rose Third Consideration Post

Point of Exclusion A point of exclusion in one of my deliverables can be identified through my packaging proposals. This deliverable can have the possibility of excluding people with limited dexterity. This can represent MisMatched Human Interactions because people with… Continue Reading →

Brigid Bonner Consideration Post #3

Exclusion As the inclusive tool book outlines, disability happens in the interaction of a person with society. These points of exclusion open the opportunity for designers to create a more inclusive society and new opportunities for solutions when these interactions… Continue Reading →

Third Consideration Post – Christian McCarry

Third Consideration Post  By. Christian McCarry   For the magazine I am creating, the first point of exclusion I could see coming about is the fact that many people will not be able to obtain a physical copy. This could… Continue Reading →

Grace Brennan Consideration Post 3

Consideration Post 3 Exclusion Within Tik Tok Videos Tik Tok and Instagram are social media platforms that rely on the senses of sight to watch/view content, hearing to listen to what is said or an audio, and touch to scroll… Continue Reading →

Katherine Clarke’s Consideration Post Three

Inclusive Design   Points of Exclusion Since I am creating an Instagram account,  most of my content will be audio videos with visual representations in them.  For example, if I am reviewing a restaurants I will create a video with… Continue Reading →

Consideration Post 3- Ava Wilson

Consideration Post 3: Mismatched Human Interactions   Identify 1 or more Points of Exclusion inherent in 2 of your primary deliverables (film/video, exhibit site, social media posts, print items, web site, ads, etc.). Describe those Exclusion Points and how they… Continue Reading →

Colby Evans Consideration Post #3

Inclusive Design and Accessibility For Fashion Publication Points of Exclusion: My project involves creating a fashion magazine featuring local Philadelphia designers, and as I continue to work on it, I am taking note of the main points of exclusion. One of the… Continue Reading →

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