For All Your Capstone Thoughts and Drafts

Month March 2023

Stephanie Wengler: Third Consideration Post

Access Design Solutions in Film    Unfortunately, since I will be producing a video, my video is not accessible to everyone to enjoy the same way. The first point of exclusion in my capstone project is the fact that it… Continue Reading →

Caroline Scallion: Third Consideration Post

The video I am creating is composed of short interviews with married people in the Philadelphia area. Each participant will be responding to the same prompt and passing along advice from their own perspectives and in their own words. It… Continue Reading →

Jessica Smith: Third Consideration Post

Avoiding Exclusions & Creating Inclusions As I have been working on The 14:1 Podcast, I have been challenged by the fact that it excludes those who are deaf. When thinking about this in and outside of class, I have realized… Continue Reading →

Caitlin Reistle – Third Consideration Post

Magazine: Excluding the visually impaired The main exclusion point of my project is the printed aspect. My magazine is entirely tangible and excludes the blind or vision-impaired community. When brainstorming my project, I wanted to create a place for my… Continue Reading →

Arianna Markatos: Third Consideration Post

Website Deliverables and Importance of Inclusive Design For my Capstone project I will be designing and creating a website for my client, Elena Markatos for her photography and videography business (you can see some of her content here by clicking… Continue Reading →

Joe Schreibman – Third Consideration Post

Audio To go along with my memoir essays, I will have audio to supplement.  In my audio, I will interview different people for each subject that I plan to talk about.  Inclusive design fits right in with my audio because… Continue Reading →

Natalia Pereira – Third Consideration Post: Inclusive Design & SJU Speaks

Inclusive Design & Considering All At the start of the design process it is important to put people in the center at the very beginning; considering who may be excluded from particular design practices or features. It is important to… Continue Reading →

Tiffany Marciano – Inclusive Design

Inclusive Design When embarking on any design project, it’s extremely important to factor in inclusive design and accessibility. In regards to my capstone project, where I will be creating a design book of the brand of my future bakery and… Continue Reading →

Madison Mancino – Third Consideration Post

When designing, it is essential to be inclusive of all types of people. A way to be inclusive of different kinds of people is by creating designs that are accessible to all differently-abled people. While it can be time-consuming, it… Continue Reading →

Julianna Kissinger: Consideration Post #3

Consideration Post #3 Considering Inclusive Design & Accessibility 1. What is a primary point of exclusion in your project? One of the primary deliverables of my project will be a visual and audio heavy video. Unfortunately, videos aren’t the most… Continue Reading →

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